Exclusive Services
Here is a more in-depth description of services I provide. Please reach out with any questions or additional services you might be looking for.
Individual Reflective Consultation

Individual Reflective Consultation
One on one meetings to support an individual's professional work. Examining and wondering around their work. Building reflective functioning as a part of their professional development. Building resilience and other protective factors to combat burn out, compassion fatigue and secondary trauma.​
Group Reflective Consultation

Group Reflective Consultation
Meetings with multiple participants working with each other to practice being curious about each other and the people in their work. Building reflective functioning as a part of their professional development. Building resilience and other protective factors to combat burn out, compassion fatigue and secondary trauma.
Circle of Security Parenting
Circle of Security Parenting
An Education Program designed to intervene early in the mental health of children and to prevent stress between caregivers and children by increasing their attachment, connection, and communication.
At times all parents feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you. The Circle of Security Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and
Using the COS-P model developed by the Circle of Security originators, trained Facilitators work with parents and care-givers to help them to:
Understand your child’s emotional world by learning to read the emotional needs
Support your child’s ability to successfully manage emotions
Enhance the development of your child's self esteem
Honor your innate wisdom and desire for your child to be secure

I have given trainings on a number of topics. Including:
Reflective consultation/supervision
Infant Mental Health
Asking for help is a brave and vulnerable step. I strive to come along side people as they work to understand themselves and others. My therapeutic process is based on my developmentally informed, trauma-aware perspective. I have a strong understanding of attachment theory and an understanding of trauma’s impact on functioning. I have a passion around supporting parents, I am a member of Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Minnesota, and a registered facilitator for Circle of Security Parenting. I also have interest in Poly Vagal Theory and the tools of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. My experiences have giving me a foundation in understanding early experiences and their influence on who we are and how we interact with people.